The composure (membership) of the Tasman Sea Advisory Board is determined, from time-to-time, by its Inspector-General.
As a general rule, the Board includes citizens from, both, Australia and New Zealand (NZ) and is inclusive of Indigenous (Aboriginal) communities, Lord Howe Islanders and Norfolk Islanders.
The customary role of a convenor, of the Tasman Sea Advisory Board, is to host the meetings of the Tasman Sea Advisory Board in accordance with the relevant customs and traditions.
The 2019/2020 Convenor was appointed by the WharfWebsite Director of Mega Malls Limited (NZ).
The 2021/2022 Convenor was appointed by the Public Officer of the Australians for the Liberal Democrats (UK) on the advice of its Executive.
The 2023/2024 Convenor was appointed by the HexaSpark Consulting Partnership.
To contact the incumbency of the Convenor of the Tasman Sea Advisory Board as of the 1st day of 2023 CE, refer to the contact details of/for Dr Drell Torres of GovtWiki on Banaba Island (as listed hereinafter).
telefax: +17785089977
Regional Chancellor of Central Australia (RCCA)
Backed by the Tasman Sea Advisory Board, the RCCA is an independent position that seeks to advance cultural and other cordial relations in respect to Central Australia. In its role, the RCCA has the power to summon the chair of the Intergovernmental Committee on the Universal Monetary Unit.
The Regional Chancellor, along with the Chancellery, is appointed by the Board on the recommendation of its Electoral Cabinet - as composed of a number of members who are elected by selected voters that are registered with the Transnational Database Management System (T-DBMS) - to serve until replaced. Since the 2023/2024 Convenor, the RCCA, and other members of its Chancellery as well as their erstwhile members, have been granted the privilege of being remembered through the metaverse-based Central Australian Mausoleum as well as being honoured at the events of the Central Australian Association.